Overseas Chinese have a long tradition of associational life in Western and Southeast Asian societies. These associations, ranging from those based on kinship to those framed around dialectal compatriotism, have served multiple purposes.
As a matter of survival, economic and political purpose, Chinese associations are important for both new and old migrants in their host countries. In Zambia, contemporary Chinese associations have played a crucial role in facilitating cultural, business and political ties between China and the host country.
Membership is open to anyone interested in celebrating Chinese culture and diversity. Currently, there are nearly 1,200 members who participate in events and activities throughout the year.
The Peoria Chinese Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that strives to promote cultural enrichment in the Peoria community and beyond. It provides a number of services and programs to its members, including organizing major Chinese cultural events; fostering friendship, goodwill and understanding among the community; and promoting Chinese language education and cultural activities.
The Purdue University Undergraduate Chinese Association (UCA) is a student-run organization that provides a social platform for undergraduate Chinese students to meet with Chinese and non-Chinese students at Purdue. It also seeks to foster cultural awareness, understanding and multicultural exchange for Chinese students and the wider Purdue campus community.
CHINESE ASSOCIATION organizes a variety of activities to promote Chinese culture and foster friendship between members. These events include major Chinese cultural festivals, social gatherings, and cultural displays.
In conjunction with the Ignite Peoria Event, Peoria Chinese Association and Caterpillar Chinese Resource Group co-organized a number of shows at the Civic Center. These included Chinese folk dances, Huangmei Opera, musical performance on the zither and a booth showcasing calligraphy demonstrated by local artists.
The association also provides services to the local community. Through a Social Services for New Americans program, the association helps at-risk Chinese American and immigrant community members access much needed social services such as food stamps, medical coverage, housing and more.
In addition, the association has a Lion Dance and Dragon dance team that travels to schools and community centers throughout Sonoma County to celebrate Chinese New Year. The group performs for children and families, and teaches them about Chinese culture through dance and storytelling.
The CHINESE ASSOCIATION organizes various fund-raising activities and events. In addition, it also holds a number of meetings for its members to promote Chinese culture and to provide an information platform.
In recent years, the ubiquity of the mobile internet and of social media platforms such as WeChat have allowed fundraising for charitable causes to flourish at an unprecedented rate in China. Nevertheless, this has not been without problems.
The association holds a number of fun and educational events and activities for its members and the community at large. Some of the more popular ones include a Chinese New Year celebration, a large dragon and lion dance demonstration and a yoyo contest.
The CHINESE ASSOCIATION also boasts an impressive social services program designed to help at-risk Chinese American and immigrant populations gain access to the plethora of health, mental, financial, and spiritual resources available within the Flushing community. Our two goals are to enhance the quality of life for these residents and to impart Chinese culture and traditions to the next generation. Our laudable efforts have led to many firsts in the area of community development and service delivery. We are proud of our achievements and we are honored to be the recipients of numerous awards and accolades over the years. We are grateful to our dedicated staff and volunteers for their ongoing support.