The first step in locating your Chinese ancestors involves finding membership lists and rosters for family and district benevolent associations. These associations helped provide social and political support to immigrants.
During World War II, they organized fund-raising drives and participated in bond sales to help fight the Japanese invasion of Mainland China.
ACA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that serves the Chinese American community through social services, educational classes, and preventive health care. Its mission is to preserve and enrich the lives of its members. It provides year-round services at its four service centers. These include ESL and Medicaid/Medicare assistance, community services, and recreation and exercise activities. It also offers naturalization services and health seminars.
CCASE aims to advance Chinese language and culture by providing professional opportunities for teachers and students of all levels. Its goals are to strengthen the teaching and learning of the Chinese language through research, collaboration, networking, and advocacy. Its publications and website promote scholarly exchanges among researchers in the field.
CCASE works closely with Discover’s Asian Professionals (APAD) employee resource group to bring cultural education and engagement to their employees. This includes lunch and learns, keynote speakers, and cultural events. The association also supports the community through volunteer activities. Its aims are to foster friendship, communication, and understanding among its members.
UCA is a network of individuals, churches, parachurch ministries, and Christian denominations committed to the truth of unitarian theology. Its members share the same belief in God as the sole Father and in Jesus as his human Son. In addition, they share a commitment to evangelism and promoting the church as a whole.
The mission of UCA is to encourage students to understand and appreciate their own cultural traditions while recognizing the connections between humanity’s diverse pursuits. It also aims to equip students with the intellectual and emotional skills necessary for change and transformation.
UCA offers a wide variety of courses in art and design, from architecture and fashion to film and theatre. Its three campuses are located in Farnham and Epsom in Surrey, and Canterbury in Kent – all within an hour’s drive of London. In addition, UCA works closely with partner institutions to provide unique opportunities for its students. These include guest lectures and industry briefings.
CSA values the importance of preserving cultural heritage. Articles of clothing often acquire particular values and meanings through age and association and may be vulnerable to damage or deterioration. Therefore, CSA discourages the wearing of such articles for reasons other than for display or research. Likewise, it discourages any actions that alter the original state of clothing, as this could jeopardize the conservation and preservation efforts of the museum.
CSA’s mission is to empower students to navigate systems that limit their potential through a focus on social justice, experimentation, and improvement. The school is imbued with this ethos in every facet of its operations, including curriculum and culture.
CSA-EUR’s slogan is “Connecting Beyond the Great Wall”, which refers to any obstacles that students and (young) professionals might encounter in their lives and career, such as language barriers or distance between cultures. Through a variety of events, CSA-EUR strives to bring people together and to create a platform where these barriers can be broken down.