Thousands of Chinese immigrated to America in the mid-1800s with little or no resources. They formed family associations based on Chinese regional districts, dialect and last names to support one another.
CCBA helped put Chinatown on the map, and it still wields power and a political voice to this day.
In the mid-1800s, when thousands of Chinese men first immigrated to America, they often arrived with little to no resources. They formed family associations based on regional districts, dialects or last names to support each other in their new community.
The Association worked to lobby the local government and the federal government on behalf of its members. The Association helped to ensure that civil rights laws, economic opportunities and education were fair for Chinese Americans.
The Association also helped immigrants navigate the naturalization process to become U.S. citizens and to vote in elections. Today, CCBA works on tenants’ rights, workers’ rights and local Chinatown issues. CCBA has been recognized for its work on these and other projects, including the preservation of Ng Shing Gung and the establishment of the Association’s Museum.
Providing vision and leadership to support PreK-12 educators to advance quality teaching and learning of Chinese language and culture. Establishing a forum for sharing best practice and professional development. Fostering scholarship based on theoretical and empirical research.
Despite the complex international environment and multiple crises, China has stood in solidarity with developing countries, rejected bloc confrontation and zero-sum competition, and maintained strategic stability with major countries. Its guiding principles are clear: seek strength through unity; respect global governance and uphold international justice; and advocate peaceful coexistence, overall stability and economic development.
BCA works closely with the New York City Police Department, translating fourteen public safety tips into Chinese, and collaborating on community initiatives such as Crime Victim’s Hotline. In addition, BCA’s after-school programs and summer day camps for children serve 2,000 public school students in Brooklyn Chinatown each year. This helps to strengthen family connections, build a sense of heritage and cultural identity and contributes to civic goodwill in the area.
Membership is open to all persons of Chinese descent. Members work in a variety of professional fields including education, law, business, health care and the arts.
CCBA members also support their community by volunteering for charity fundraising and legislative issues that affect Chinese Americans. The Association has led many campaigns, from urging voters to cast their ballots in the 2004 presidential election to organizing community support for victims of anti-Chinese racial violence.
The CCBA was the first Asian organization in Georgia to receive a historical marker from the Georgia Historical Society. It is proud to be home of the Historical Society for Twentieth-Century China, which is one of the most well-known international professional organizations for scholars of modern China. It has sponsored and organized several international congresses, dozens of symposia, and numerous panels at the annual meetings of the American Historical Association and other societies. It also publishes the leading academic journal in the field, Modern China Review.
Founded in 1977, Chinese Progressive Association is a grassroots community organization working “for full equity and empowerment of the community”. They promote civic engagement by mobilizing youth to participate in community service, provide education, organize a variety of cultural events, and help people in need.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, they worked closely with local government and social agencies to provide resources for those in need. They also donated food and other supplies to the local community.
CSSA’s purpose is to provide a variety of social, intellectual and cultural activities for the University of Worcester Chinese Students and Scholars. It organises Poon Choi festival for senior residents, participation in the Worcester Dragon Boat races, student’s visits and other activities. It is the first and only organisation in the University of Worcester that focuses on catering to its Chinese/Asian community members. It is a member of the national organisation – the Organisation of Chinese Americans. It also hosts a number of events to celebrate Asian Heritage Month and Chinese New Year.