The China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation. Its members include national professional societies and hundreds of local branches. Many of its members are Chinese nationals or have strong links to the Chinese community. The Association has a long and varied history of activity. For more information on its history, visit their website. The CAST website has a list of its past presidents, officers, and committees.
The organization works with mainstream organizations to provide services to the Chinese community, such as the American Cancer Society and the Visiting Nurse Service of New York. In 2006, the CCBA and the American Red Cross of Greater New York signed a memorandum of understanding to coordinate their programs in Chinatown. CCBA also works with businesses and local organizations to fulfill its functions, such as hosting Chinese dignitaries. Though the Chong Wa Association was first formed in Seattle around 1915, new information shows that it was already active as early as 1892.
The CBA is the parent organization of the Chinese Community Center, which was founded in 1883. The CCA serves as an umbrella organization for Chinese communities in New England. Originally, it operated at 14 Oxford Street, but in the 1980s, the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association moved to 90 Tyler Street. The CBA now has local offices in 26 cities with a significant Chinese population. A recent press conference with Councilmember Christopher Marte attracted the attention of local businesses.
The Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (CBA) was formed in 1882 to advocate for the interests of Chinese immigrants. The CBA’s early officers wore riding jackets over changshan. They also met regularly to discuss issues concerning the Chinese community. The CBA was not the only Chinese association in California. The Chinese Benevolent Association was formed in 1881 and a few years later, the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association was established in San Francisco. These associations had mutual coordination and cooperation.