Associations are groups that bring together individuals with common interests. If your ancestors were members of these associations, you can find important information about them through their lists and rosters.
The China Association was a mercantile body representing British traders with trade interests in the Far East. Its papers at SOAS cover the period 1889-1961.
The success and survival of immigrant Chinese depended greatly on family and district benevolent associations that acted as social and political support systems. Often organized on the basis of common surnames, these associations provided aid for victims of racial violence, lobbied government agencies for unemployment forms in Chinese and other Asian languages and sought to increase the involvement of Chinese-Americans in electoral politics.
The China Association was a dinner club for “gentlemen with some connection to the Far East.” It was formally established at a meeting on 11 April 1889 and chaired by Sir Alfred Dent, a prominent British businessman.
New members of the 20th Politburo and the State Council are joining the decision-making bodies at an ever-increasing rate, as the CCP continues to expand its influence and reach in China and abroad. To help you keep track of the latest changes in Beijing’s leadership, this series has compiled guides to key cadres and their portfolios.
Chinese associations serve many functions in their communities, including spreading information on the community’s culture and institutions to the wider Zambian society. They also host national events, organize holiday celebrations, and assemble academic forums. Many of these activities are open to all, and can be heard over the radio or read in local newspapers.
In addition, they serve as intermediary platforms that bind overseas Chinese to the state, by channelling their allegiance to China through the association and its leadership. They carry out semi-official government tasks such as promoting peaceful national “reunification,” exercising discipline vis-à-vis unhealthy commercial competition among member companies, and providing safety monitoring systems for the community.
Moreover, as Liu (2015) explains, the leaders of these associations aspire to become members of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. In the process, they seek to cultivate close ties with local elites in order to gain their support. This makes their leadership critical to the development of contemporary Chinese associations, especially as they strive to better integrate their communities into local Zambian society.
The main function of the association is to help its members through the various stages in their life. This includes supporting them in finding their identity and bringing people together of similar backgrounds. The society also promotes Chinese culture and traditions. This is done through various projects like putting on cultural shows, preparing for holidays and holding academic forums.
Besides, the organization is also dedicated to maintaining the cordial relationship between China and the United States. This is accomplished by hosting national events, assisting with fundraising and recruiting talents.
Lastly, it works towards the social justice and equality for the Chinese American community in terms of work opportunities and recognition. For instance, it seeks to support working people and fight against alcohol-related crimes. It also provides advocacy services to its members. This helps them become better workers and achieve higher ethical standards in their respective fields. Moreover, it encourages young people to learn about the country’s history and culture.
Many immigrants joined associations of family names, locations, and professions to help them succeed in their new homes. Look for these kinds of association rosters and lists in the Library to discover your ancestors.
The China Association was a mercantile body formed to represent the interests of those engaged in trade with China. Working closely with the London Chamber of Commerce, local chambers and the Federation of British Industries, the Association took up grievances about trade practices in China and presented them to British Government authorities.
UCA is a student organization that provides services and events to undergraduate Chinese students at Purdue University, promotes Chinese cultural heritage and understanding, and provides a platform for students to connect with other students. UCA strives to become a bridge for students to integrate and grow as individuals and future professionals.