Chinese culture is a rich and diverse East Asian cultural heritage. The cultures of China vary greatly between the many different provinces, cities, and towns within it.
The term wenxue yanjiu hui may also be used to describe literary research associations or societies. The colophons of such books often contain the English translation The Literary Association.
The Chinese Association of Minnesota (CAAM) is the oldest and largest community organization in the Twin Cities. CAAM’s mission is to promote the welfare of its members and foster awareness and appreciation of Chinese culture.
The Herricks School District Chinese Association is a non-profit, civic and cultural organization. Its membership is comprised of students from the Herricks school district and the local community who are interested in promoting and celebrating Chinese culture.
Southwest Florida Chinese Association is a chapter of United Chinese Americans, a nationwide 501(c)3 nonprofit federation inspired and dedicated to enriching the diverse Chinese American communities at the local, state, national and international levels. UCA is committed to create a community of compassion, public service, shared heritage, civic engagement and political empowerment.
Many Chinese immigrants joined associations by family names, locations or professions to connect with others of like interests and help them adjust to their new homes. Look for the name of your ancestor on lists and rosters of these organizations.
CAST Communications
The organization provides a wide range of communications with members including a newsletter, an annual magazine, and a website. The newsletter provides information about activities that are of common interest to its membership and the magazine, Trade Winds -The magazine of Chinese professionals, discusses the common problems that the membership is concerned with, introduces outstanding Chinese professionals in the United States and reports on state-of-the-art development of science and technology.
The STM Association and China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) recently published the report “Open Access Publishing in China”. In this video, Mark Robertson, consultant to the STM association on this project, discusses the findings of the report. He also explains the importance of body language and the use of silence in Chinese communication. For example, the Chinese are more likely to pause before giving a response as a sign of respect and thoughtfulness. This is a very effective way to convey ideas and messages.
CAST Education
Since its founding, CAST has established strong ties with the scientific and technological communities both in the United States and in China. CAST Communications, a newsletter distributed to its members, provides information about activities of common interest, introduces outstanding Chinese professionals in the US, and reports on state-of-the-art development of science and technology.
In addition, NYCCC offers assembly programs and individually-designed residencies in dance, Beijing opera, Mandarin language, kung fu, music and visual arts, such as calligraphy/ink brush painting, to fit your school’s schedule, budget and educational needs. All programs are led by teaching artists trained in traditional Chinese artforms.
CSAUS assists its member schools in promoting Chinese language and cultural education, helping young generations to preserve and appreciate their Chinese heritage, and bridging educational and cultural exchanges and friendship between the US and China. CSAUS also represents its member schools in maximizing organizational efforts to gain resources and supports from related institutions both in the US and China.
CAST Events
CMAA has been working with Discover for many years through the Asian Professionals at Discover ERG (APAD). APAD is open to all employees and strives to bring the diverse Asian culture to Discover. They share their cultural values and traditions through lunch and learns, keynote speakers, and celebration of the various Asian holidays and festivals.
Located in New York City, CAST organizes social service, education and Chinese cultural activities for the Fujianese community. It raises the standard of living and working conditions for Chinatown residents, strengthens ties with other communities, and supports justice and equality for all.
In the Spokane area, the Chinese Association holds an annual Chinese Music Concert in summer and Mid-Autumn Festival (Moon Fest) in fall. Up to 500 people attend each event. The events include live performances, cultural fair and fellowship. The association also provides educational programs and workshops for local schools. Moreover, the association is proud to be an affiliate of the American Association for Chinese Studies.