ACA was one of the founding chapters of the Organization of Chinese Americans. The collection includes a wide variety of documents, including minutes and committee papers; correspondence with the Foreign Office, the London Chambers of Commerce, local Chambers, Tientsin and Hong Kong Associations, and the Federation of British Industries.
As intermediary platforms, Chinese associations bind individual overseas Chinese to the Chinese state whilst also serving their collective interests in host societies. They are answerable to the Chinese embassy for special political mobilisation and business regulation.
The China Association was founded in 1972 as a community-based not-for-profit human service organization to address the general welfare of Chinese and Asian Americans. It serves the Sunset Park, Borough Park, and Bay Ridge neighborhoods of Brooklyn, NY, as well as all New York City residents.
Originally a mercantile body, the China Association represented British merchants with interests in trade with China. It corresponded with the Foreign Office regarding commercial grievances in China, and it maintained close links with the London Chamber of Commerce, local Chambers in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Yokohama, and Tientsin, and with the Chinese Government.
The Library has extensive China Association papers, primarily in the form of minutes and committee papers. These documents provide valuable insights into the life of Chinese immigrants in their new home.
The CSA works closely with many main stream organizations to serve the community, such as assisting local businesses and residents in times of disaster or distress. They also promote and preserve Chinese culture through community activities, social events and cultural exchanges. The CSA aims to provide a comfortable environment for students and serve as a platform for integration into the mainstream American society.
Ethnic Chinese associations with government cooperation and sponsorship have a stronger ‘global community relationship network’ than privately organised ones (Cheng, 2012). Furthermore, they have the ability to offer’soft landing’ opportunities for China-based MNEs to invest in Southeast Asia because of their established contacts and resources at both the domestic and international levels.
Ethnic Chinese with long overseas experiences and rich knowledge of host countries’ cultures, politics and histories have a good understanding of the local socio-economic contexts. Therefore, they are able to facilitate and enhance Chinese MNEs’ investment’soft landing’ in Southeast Asian countries.
The China Association was an organization with a very wide membership and many branch associations. It was a forum for discussion of Chinese affairs and an organisation through which the opinions of its members could be represented to the British Government, local Chambers of Commerce and the Federation of British Manufacturers.
Following World War II, with the Communist advance across China and the Nationalist blockade of important cities, the Association worked to alert the British Government to the difficulties faced by British trade. This proved successful and brought about official action to ensure that British assets and concerns would be protected.
CCBA works with mainstream community organizations to provide services that are of interest to the Chinese American community, including support groups for families with children from China, community health initiatives and educational and cultural programs. In addition, CCBA participates in fund-raising drives and supports a variety of charity activities. CCBA has also lobbied on behalf of its member families to help secure immigration rights for their families.
The Chinese Association is a non-profit organization that hosts workshops and activities for its members. It aims to foster fun, friendship and cultural enrichment among Chinese American families. The organization also celebrates traditional Chinese holidays and strengthens cultural ties by hosting social gatherings throughout the year.
The association provides a platform for the preservation of Chinese culture and serves as an information hub for Pace Chinese students, scholars and alumni. It holds a variety of events including the Annual Lunar New Year Celebration and Mid-Autumn Festival (Moon Fest), showcasing Chinese dance performances, music instruments and food tasting.
The Greater Washington Chinese Association was one of the first charter chapters to join the national Organization of Chinese Americans. The group held numerous fund-raising drives and participated in many parades and World War II bond sale efforts. In addition, it hosted many cultural and community service activities for its membership. Throughout the years, the group has helped many Chinese Americans in need of assistance with housing, food and social services.