The Chinese community is a diverse group of people. They are primarily located in urban areas such as Toronto and Vancouver, but they also reside in small towns throughout Canada.
The Chinese community has developed unique cultural traditions. These include a variety of festivals and observances. Some of the most important are the Lunar New Year, Clear and Bright, and Mid-Autumn.
The origins of the Chinese community can be traced back to a time when Asians were largely unwelcome in white American society. However, this did not stop Asians from establishing themselves as Americans, in large part by creating their own institutions and initiatives.
One of the most popular exemplars of this was Chinatown, a densely packed neighborhood on the waterfront in San Francisco. This small community was a great place for the influx of Chinese immigrants to congregate in the late nineteenth century, and was home to a variety of cultural and entertainment establishments.
A few other cities in North America also boasted a Chinatown – Seattle, Vancouver and Toronto are just three of them. The largest Chinese community in Canada can be found in the province of Ontario, which has a population of over half a million people of Chinese ancestry. The Chinese community in Canada is a growing group, and is estimated to be about 4% of the total Canadian population in 2001.
The Chinese community has been a major force in world migration since the early nineteenth century. With the discovery of gold in the Western United States, Southern Australia, and Western Canada, Chinese immigrants migrated to these countries to take up employment in the mines, as well as in factories and agriculture.
These migrants helped to build railways in the American West and in Australia, and became entrepreneurs in their own right. The number of Chinese migrants grew significantly during the twentieth century and continues to increase.
The recent evolution of migration from China cannot be understood without some appreciation of its past. It has been driven by an increasingly open economy and the accumulation of personal wealth, which has freed more people to move abroad.
The Chinese community consists of both those with roots in the mainland and those who have emigrated. The number of overseas Chinese has increased dramatically since the 1980s.
The rise of the Chinese economy has led to a large increase in the number of people who emigrated, and many of these migrants have settled in industrialized countries like the United States and Canada. This has resulted in a surge of second and third-generation Chinese migrant workers.
This population of huaqiao (people of Chinese origin) has been growing in the West, where it is considered to be a strong supporter for Chinese culture and international influence. In addition, these huaqiao have access to high-paying jobs and higher median household incomes than other immigrant groups.
The Chinese government has cultivated the support of this diaspora through Chinese-language media, subsidized Chinese language schools and Chinese culture programs, and the establishment of pro-China political factions. However, these efforts are dangerous because they threaten to exacerbate inter-ethnic tensions and social polarization. Beijing’s attempts to cultivate support in diaspora communities also harm the civil rights and freedoms of citizens in other countries.
The Chinese have a unique and rich culture that has shaped their society over the centuries. Their philosophy, religion, art and culture are a reflection of this.
They are a group-dependent and strive for harmony in their interactions with others, relying on non-verbal communication to convey meaning or intention. They avoid frowning while speaking and prefer to maintain an impassive face, especially in crowded situations.
In China, children are highly prized and taught to be obedient and respectful of their elders. They are also expected to undertake chores at home and school.
The Chinese community in the United States is the third-largest foreign-born community, with a growing population of 2.3 million. They have made contributions to the arts, sciences, cuisine, production and trade.