Cultural heritage is a term which refers to tangible and intangible assets which are inherited by the past generations. The selection and development of such heritages is determined by the society.
Human rights approach to cultural heritage
The human rights approach to cultural heritage can be a real challenge to the state’s dominant position in the field. A human rights oriented approach would ensure that a community’s cultural life is valued as a part of development, and that access to such a life is guaranteed.
Among the most important components of a human rights based approach to heritage are participation, co-creation, and preservation. This article will examine these key aspects and recommend a human rights oriented approach to the protection of cultural heritage.
While a human rights oriented approach to the cultural heritage focuses on the most obvious elements, it does not neglect the less measurable aspects. These include a synergy between legal frameworks, particularly to prevent intentional destruction of cultural heritage.
Cultural heritage is a valuable component of society, and it plays an important role in identity formation. Moreover, it has a direct bearing on how we think and feel about ourselves.
In a world characterized by economic inequalities, many societies are becoming increasingly diverse. In addition, conflicts continue to result in massive population movements. Hence, cultural heritage and its protection are integral components of a human rights oriented approach to the preservation of our planet.
Intangible heritage
Intangible cultural heritage is a set of practices and knowledge that is passed down to the next generation. These traditions help build a sense of identity for a group. They also contribute to the appreciation of a group’s culture.
Intangible cultural heritage has the potential to strengthen ties between Indigenous and non-Indigenous groups. It can also support sustainable development.
The 2003 UNESCO Convention on Safeguarding Intangible Culture Heritage focuses on the protection of oral expressions and social practices. Among the safeguarding measures are lists of representative intangible cultural heritage and the Register of Good Safeguarding Practices.
One of the best ways to document intangible cultural heritage is to collaborate with the community. For example, a group may record Mono language. Similarly, the use of tools in crafts such as pottery, wood work, and jewelry are important aspects of intangible cultural heritage.
Several of these elements can be documented through digital materials. Museums and libraries can also organize digital collections. However, preservation efforts should be customized to the specific context in which the intangible cultural heritage is found.
Copernicus SEA project
The Copernicus SEA project is a European Commission coordinated action that evaluates Copernicus products and services to better meet the needs of the cultural heritage community. For instance, Copernicus can support natural heritage monitoring, provide disaster mitigation, and enable continuous monitoring of high-risk cultural heritage sites. However, Copernicus was not designed for this purpose. It offers data and information that is mainly suited for horizontal users.
As a result, Copernicus has not been able to meet the needs of the cultural heritage community. This paper addresses those needs, and demonstrates how a number of Copernicus products can meet these requirements.
Copernicus can provide useful and innovative data and information for a wide range of user needs. For instance, the Copernicus Climate Change service has teamed up with the Union for the Mediterranean to create an application that can assess the risk of coastal flooding.
Copernicus’ Climate Data Store provides free access to climate data for decision-making. Similarly, Copernicus’ Atmosphere Monitoring Service monitors depositions and atmospheric composition. Moreover, Copernicus’ Security Services have already released products for the cultural heritage sector.
San Francisco community planning efforts to protect cultural heritage
The City of San Francisco has an extensive and growing array of community planning efforts to protect cultural heritage. These efforts range from Western SoMa to Japantown. They are examples of the kind of expanded effort that is gaining momentum in many communities.
For example, the African-American Arts & Cultural District is a community-based project that seeks to promote a safer Third Street Corridor and create financial ecosystems. It also serves as a placemaking initiative to bring community leaders and city staff together. This program has influenced community design guidelines and has engaged over 500 South of Market (SOMA) residents.
Additionally, the city’s 1%-for-art program, which is governed by Section 429 of the Planning Code, requires that 1% of the total construction cost be set aside for public art. This can be used to finance nonprofit capital projects or temporary public art programming. Some projects choose to donate a portion of the 1% to the Public Art Trust.
San Francisco’s Historic Preservation Program began with the adoption of the City’s Historic Preservation Ordinance in 1986. Since then, the Historic Preservation Commission has been protecting South San Francisco’s most important historic structures from the destructive effects of neglect and misguided alteration.